Holiday Home Waste Collection Ltd
Trerice Orchard, Burlawn
PL27 7LE.

Telephone: 01208 815060
Mobile: 07814 934978

Waste and Rubbish Collection Service in CornwallHoliday Home Waste Collection

Rubbish and Waste Collection Service in Cornwall for Holiday Homes, Holiday Rental Properties and Holiday Lets

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The Prevention Foundation

About The Prevention Foundation and their work in our area.

The Prevention Foundation CIC is a leading national resource dedicated to arming youngsters with the information they need to live happy, healthy and successful lives.

Created in 2016, the foundations members work within communities distributing a wealth of safety information on topics affecting disadvantaged areas of the UK including knife crime, bullying, drugs and alcohol.

Our aim is to reduce potential harm to young and vulnerable members of society. Our range of awareness projects support school personnel, Social and Health Education (PSHE) lessons, partnerships with local authorities and national awareness campaigns, all in a bid to boost the self-esteem and emotional wellbeing of the young.

"It is really important to us to help give back to the community and help to keep our young people safe, especially from the dangers they face online.  The Foundation work with a range of professionals and the media to help get their message to youngsters."


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YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat are the most popular online platforms among teens.

Fully 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online ‘almost constantly’

The shift in teens’ social media use is just one example of how the technology landscape for young people has evolved since last survey’s of teens and technology use in 2014-2015.

Most notably, smartphone ownership has become a nearly ubiquitous element of teen life: 95% of teens now report they have a smartphone or access to one.

These mobile connections are in turn fueling more-persistent online activities: 45% of teens now say they are online on a near-constant basis.

We work to identify new trends in online activity, and build campaigns to reach troubled children in a method that engages with them.